Sunday, May 17, 2020

William Shakespeare s Henry The Iv - 949 Words

OPENING Heroism in Henry the IV has many different interpretations. The different views that Shakespeare examines defines heroism based by one’s individual idea of what heroism means to them and by their values. Shakespeare also explores the two different origins of heroism one from a modern era and the second from the current to earlier period of time. Shakespeare intertwines honour and heroism into one. Hotspur portrays the idea of a dramatic hero in his time, this heroism is displayed by his reputation and sanctity his name. Hotspur seeks self-honour this is seen when his willingness to lead a rebellion against the injustices he sees the King has made by leading men into battle and sacrifice his life in the name of honour. Fueling the desire Hotspur seeks of an honorable man. PARAGRAPH 1 Hotspur is seen honourably through the eyes King Henry the IV. In the opening scene act 1, we are introduced to King Henry IV. During the King’s speech to his people of the court, we get a solid understanding of how Hotspur is seen as an honourable man. The King proclaims his jealousy of Lord Northumberland for having Hotspur as an honourable son, â€Å"Yea, there thou makest me sad and makest me sin / In envy that my Lord Northumberland† (77-78). For the King sees Hotspur as a man of honour, â€Å"A son who is the theme of honour s tongue† (80), while he views is own son as a disappointment, â€Å"See riot and dishonour stain the brow / Of my young Harry† (84-85). Honour is this act isShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s King Henry Iv856 Words   |  4 Pagesqualities that makeup an honorable and legitimate ruler. In William Shakespeare’s play King Henry IV Part One the audience must decide what makes an honorable leader. Through out the play the main characters, King Henry, Prince Harry, Hotspur, and even Falstaff, help the audience realize what makes up an honorable leader for others to follow. The first character that William Shakespeare wants the audience to look at is King Henry. Henry represents the truth and goodness of the kingdom that he commandsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Henry Iv1328 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout the play Henry IV part 1, Shakespeare was able to depict the concept of honor through many different individuals. Three main characters that Shakespeare choose to display the concept of honor are Prince Hal, Hotspur and Falstaff. However, each of these characters interpret the word â€Å"honor† differently. Hotspur has an obsession with honor and believes it’s one of the most important roles a leader has to show. He relates honor to the duties that he serves on the battlefield and repetitionRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth And Henry Iv928 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeare’s plays Macbeth and Henry IV Part One are both plays that are wrought with the notion of destiny. 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